The Direct Path

Path name: The Direct Path Other names: The Transcendent Path Up and Out Awakening Vertical Dimension Present Wisdom Intention: An introduction to the spiritual-side of Self-realization. Directly see in your…

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The Heart Path

Path name: The Heart Path Other names: The Transformational Path Down and In Awakening Horizontal Dimension Embodied Love Intention: An introduction to the human-side of Self-realization. How to live the…

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Practice Paths

Path name: Practice Paths Intention: Embark on a purposeful journey to uncover profound insights and transformative shifts. Use the power of seeking and the desire for deeper understanding as a…

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Pathless Paths

Path name: Pathless Paths List of Pathless Paths: “This is It” pathless path Truth is simple - just this" pathless path “Only Awareness is” pathless path "Loving What is" pathless…

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The Fulfillment Path

Path name: The Fulfillment Path Other names: Soul Fulfillment Soul Mission The Flow State Creative Power of Life Presence Creativity Wholeness Overflowing Soul Expression Self-realization Expression Self-Actualization Self-Mastery Aliveness Movement…

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The Unity Path

Path name: The Unity Path Other names: Integrated Oneness Interconnectedness Living Non-Duality Harmonious Relationships The Sacred Union Couple’s Enlightenment Conscious Parenting Motherhood Essence Twin-Flames 2 Souls Equalized Everything/Nothingness Conscious Evolution…

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Sacred Legend Paths

Path name: Sacred Legend Paths List of Legends: Jesus Christ Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) Krishna Guru Nanak Mahavira Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Ramana Maharshi Annamalai Swami Nisargadatta Maharaj Papaji (H.W.L.…

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Non-monotheistic Paths

Path Name: Non-monotheistic Paths Other Names: Non-religious Spirituality Magical Spirituality Earth Centered Spirituality Goddess Spirituality Mystical Spirituality Metaphysical Spirituality Nature-based Spirituality Holistic Spirituality Path of Natural Reverence Path of Nature…

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The Path of God

Path Name: The Path of God Other Names: Monotheistic Paths Judaism Christianity Islam Sikhism Baha’i Zoroastrianism The One God The Father The Almighty The Lord The Creator Allah Yahweh Jehovah…

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