The Direct Path

Path name:

The Direct Path

Other names:

The Transcendent Path
Up and Out Awakening
Vertical Dimension
Present Wisdom


  • An introduction to the spiritual-side of Self-realization.
  • Directly see in your direct experience what is beyond your body/mind.
  • To help you recognize the truth of your nature as pure awareness, which is not limited by time, space, or the body/mind.
  • To provide a direct and immediate path to self-realization, without the need for elaborate practices, techniques, or rituals.


  • Experiments are offered to invoke direct experiences of your true nature.
  • Direct pointers that are designed to show you an expanded way to frame reality.
  • Using direct experience metaphors to offer an overall bigger picture (movie, dream).
  • Satsangs, dialogues, or meetings with spiritual teachers or fellow seekers that are interested in direct pointers.
  • Reading, listening, or watching spiritual texts, talks, or videos that offer direct pointers, metaphors, or analogies to help you recognize your true nature beyond concepts, beliefs, or opinions.

Common Path Questions:

  • Why is it called “a path” if it’s direct?
  • What is the intention of the Direct Path?
  • What does it take to succeed while on the Direct Path?
  • Why is the Direct Path not for everyone?
  • How do I know if the Direct Path is true for me?
  • What does it mean that you’re not the body or mind? How is that pointer useful?
  • Why does the Direct Path start to feel ungrounded for many?
  • How does the Direct Path approach the concept of enlightenment or self-realization?
  • Is there a specific process or method or experiments to follow on the Direct Path?
  • Can I experience glimpses of awakening or realization on the Direct Path, or is it an all-or-nothing process?
  • What is the relationship between the Direct Path and daily life activities and responsibilities?
  • How does the Direct Path view the role of emotions or not feeling where the pointers point to?
  • Can the Direct Path lead to a state of permanent self-realization?
  • How does the Direct Path relate to the concept of non-duality or Advaita?
  • What is the significance of recognizing awareness as one’s true nature on the Direct Path?
  • How does the Direct Path address the sense of personal identity and ego?
  • Can the Direct Path help in overcoming suffering or finding lasting peace and happiness?
  • Are there any potential risks, stuck points, or pitfalls associated with following the Direct Path?